Solution :
A. Locard’s rule B. Bertillon’s rule
C. Quetlet’s rule D.
Pearson’s rule.
Ans: C. Quetlet’s rule.
A. Locard’s rule: Locard's exchange rule is that, when any two objects come into contact, there is
always a transfer of material from each object on the other.
B. Bertillon’s rule: Bertillon's rule is that, after the age of 21 years, the dimensions of the skeleton
remain unchanged and also that ratio in size of different parts to one another
varies considerably in different individuals, which helps in identification.
C. Quetlet’s rule : Every nature made objects present infinite variation, no patterns are ever alike,
which helps in identification.
D. Pearson’s rule: Pearson's formulae is used for determination of stature (height) from individual
bones and bone fragments.
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